Case Studies

Crondall Energy: Using the PT Solutions Cyber Security Assessment to fill in the knowledge gaps

04 October 2022

It’s not often that we quote Albert Einstein in our blog posts, but we think he had a point when he said “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know”. When it comes to cyber security, it is pretty clear that most of us would agree with him! While we don’t claim to know everything, our Cyber Security Assessments can help highlight vulnerabilities in even the most secure businesses. But let’s be honest here, most businesses don’t fall into that category. And even those that do consider themselves secure have only got to that point by recognising that they don’t know everything when it comes to IT security.

PT Solutions grows its IT support presence on the University of Southampton Science Park

30 September 2022

If the measure of a sound business is its ability to retain and grow its customer base, then PT Solutions is demonstrating just that in its ongoing success in providing IT and communications support on the University of Southampton Science Park. Not only is the business providing IT support to the Science Park itself, but an increasing number of the Park’s residents are trusting PT Solutions to manage or support their IT and communications infrastructure.